tel. 044 703 5358
tel. 044 703 5349
tel. 044 703 5350
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Teknologiakylä daycare centre is located in the greater area of Linnanmaa, in the middle of the Technology Village and the University of Oulu, about 6 km from the city centre.
Kaitoväylä 8
90570 OULU
Oulu, Finland
tel. 044 703 5358
tel. 044 703 5349
tel. 044 703 5350
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
This is a machine translation.
Teknologiakylä daycare centre is a small, homelike daycare centre. The adjacent forest and stimulating yard offer excellent opportunities for outdoor activities, exercise and functional learning. The atmosphere at the daycare centre is warm. Nurturing the aesthetic environment and taking care of the equipment together with the children is essential for us. Our daycare centre has a happy, international atmosphere: we have families from many different cultural backgrounds, which creates diversity in our daycare centre's everyday life in a positive way.
This is a machine translation.
Our daycare centre is a Green Flag daycare centre. We give children space to learn in different ways functionally; through exploration, expression, movement and play. We take walks in the surrounding area. Sustainable development, observing local nature, and walking and playing in the forest play a central role in the daycare centre's everyday life.
We follow the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan in our operations.
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