tel. 040 158 3982
tel. 044 497 3083
tel. 050 369 3245
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Salonpää daycare centre is located in Varjakka, about 6 km from the municipal centre.
Varjakantie 9
Oulu, Finland
tel. 040 158 3982
tel. 044 497 3083
tel. 050 369 3245
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
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The name of the preschool group at Salonpää daycare centre is Helmet. The preschool group works naturally and in close cooperation with the pupils. Joint activities are carried out regularly and systematically. Preschoolers and schoolchildren participate in each other's events and celebrations.
We follow the preschool curriculum of the City of Oulu.
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Salonpää daycare centre is located in Varjakka, Oulunsalo. Our daycare centre is part of Salonpää School, which also has a primary school for schoolchildren in the area. Our immediate surroundings offer good opportunities for hiking, moving and exploring.
We act in accordance with the values of positive pedagogy: we take the good into account, encourage children and strengthen inclusion. Our most important values are courage, fairness and responsibility. We encourage children to be their unique selves and treat all children equally.
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Our daycare centre is located in the diverse Salonpää area, and we utilise different learning environments in our operations. We hike in the vicinity of the daycare centre almost daily, for example, in the nearby forests and by the sea. Nature is an important learning environment for us, where we play, explore and move.
We inspire children to exercise in a versatile way by exploring different sports opportunities both inside and outside the daycare centre. Together with Salonpää School, we have access to gymnasiums, fields, yard areas, a hut, and in winter a ski track and ice skating rink.
We follow the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan in our operations.
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