tel. 044 703 6933
tel. 044 703 6934
tel. 044 703 6935
tel. 044 703 5330
tel. 044 703 6936
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
The daycare centre is located in the Kiviniemi district of Oulunlahti, in the same building as the Oulunlahti school.
Vesalankuja 1
90420 OULU
Oulu, Finland
tel. 044 703 6933
tel. 044 703 6934
tel. 044 703 6935
tel. 044 703 5330
tel. 044 703 6936
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Our preschool group is called Tupa.
Our long traditions of cooperation between preschool and primary education still carry on in the form of inspiring and diverse activities. Preschool children and pupils in the primary education of Oulunlahti School in the same building get to engage in close and regular cooperation, the development of which we continuously invest. We gather together for singing and reading, exercise sessions, game days and school peeks, for example.
We follow the preschool curriculum of the City of Oulu.
This is a machine translation.
The Oulunlahti daycare centre was built in 1998 in a quiet residential area, by the sea. Our yard area was completely renovated in 2016, which means that the yard offers diverse opportunities and challenges for children of different ages to exercise. The ship "Tyrsky", which was shipwrecked in the middle of the yard that year, is the first of its kind in Finnish kindergartens and attracts children to play every day.
This is a machine translation.
The mission of our daycare centre is a healthy growth community where every child and adult feels good and safe. We support the child's growth and learning path with arms and heart in a safe environment together with the guardians. Open and confidential interaction is important to us.
Our focus area is the development of pedagogy for 5–8-year-olds, not forgetting younger children. Our activities are diverse, taking into account children's age and development level and interests. Our strength lies in operating in diverse learning environments indoors and outdoors.
We follow the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan in our operations.
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