The Multidisciplinary Oulu Art School

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Oulu Art School Introduction Video (in Finnish)

In the Oulu Art School’s introduction video, students share their experiences of creating art together with the musical group Soiva Siili (Video: Juho Leinonen)

The Multidisciplinary Oulu Art School 

Produce joy  Dare to amaze  Be unforgettable! 

Oulu Art School is one of Finland’s oldest schools that provides basic art education. It has been operating for over 40 years. As a multidisciplinary institution, Oulu Art School’s goal is to encourage a wide understanding of the field of art as a multidisciplinary entirety and develop collaboration between different forms of art. Development work in the Oulu Art School is being implemented in cooperation with basic art education membership unions and multiple cooperation partners locally, nationally and internationally (in Finnish).  

Basic values and the principles of education 

The basic values of the Oulu Art School are built on respect for human rights, equality and cultural diversity. Gender equality and gender diversity are promoted in the teaching. A human builds their life by working and interacting with other people and their environment. Basic art education is based on the view that every person is unique and valuable as an individual and as a member of a community. The art education supports growth by developing their creativity and reflection skills. 

The principles of the art education are the methods of producing and presenting information characteristic to each form of art. The aesthetical, ethical and ecological questions, that lead to the consideration and evaluation of what is meaningful and valuable in life, are a part of art. Basic art education creates the basis for a socially and culturally sustainable future. The activities of Oulu Art School actively promote and develop these values through teaching, different approaches and projects.  



Oulu Art School’s education starts from the view that every individual is creative. Creative thinking develops through artistic activities and experiences. The Art School’s education encourages and motivates people to find their own individual artistic expression.  


Oulu Art School is a learning community that is committed to producing diverse, goal-oriented and progressive basic art education. The art education encourages one for long-term work, development of one’s own skills and challenging oneself. The members of the work community are committed to the development of their institution, competency and work – making high-quality art education possible. 


Learning and growth take place in relation to other people and is reflected in groups and shared experiences. Oulu Art School is a multidisciplinary community where interaction between forms of art is made possible. In the Art School, everyone’s participation and the appreciation of others is central. The Art School is a part of a local, national and international cultural community of children and young people.  


Self-expression is a basic necessity that brings joy to the artist and supports their well-being. In basic art education, the learner feels joy by creating and experiencing art. Experiences of success and capability reinforce the development of self-esteem. Joy as a value is culminated in encouragement, positive feedback, positive attention and culture of present interaction. Everyone is accepted as they are.  

Children and young people as a part of a well-being Oulu 

The basic art education provided in Oulu Art School plays a significant role in the well-being of children and young people. As the city of Oulu’s educational institution providing basic art education, the Oulu Art School can provide inexpensive and high-quality hobby opportunities that support the growth and development of children and young people. 

The emphasis on art education plays a significant role in the city of Oulu’s Child-Friendly City operations model which highlights the importance of hobby opportunities and culture from the perspective of children’s well-being and rights. Thus, the duties of art education and Oulu Art School are not limited to teaching art but are a part of a larger entirety to strengthen the status, participation and regional wellbeing of children.