tel. 044 703 5455
tel. 050 316 6885
tel. 050 597 6376
tel. 044 703 4149
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Meri-Toppila daycare centre is located in Toppila.
Kuivaamokatu 6
90520 OULU
Oulu, Finland
tel. 044 703 5455
tel. 050 316 6885
tel. 050 597 6376
tel. 044 703 4149
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
This is a machine translation.
We organize preschool education in the Mainingit group.
Meri-Toppila daycare centre's preschool group cooperates closely with Merikoski School's Merituuli unit in terms of preschool and primary education. We develop and strengthen the pedagogy of 5–8-year-olds with a jointly drawn up plan. We organise activities together in accordance with the curricula.
We follow the preschool curriculum of the City of Oulu.
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Meri-Toppila daycare centre has operated since 1999 in a magnificent, culturally and historically valuable workshop building designed by Alvar Aalto, which has been renovated into a comfortable daycare centre. The daycare centre uses the spacious and bright spaces in a variety of ways for celebrations, mutual evenings and cultural events for children and the whole family.
The daycare centre's magnificent new yard opens onto the sea and park area, providing opportunities to observe and explore the world around us. We also utilise the daycare centre's local nature in our operations.
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At Meri-Toppila, all situations of the day are significant for learning. We learn together through play and activities in a diverse learning environment. We combine different areas of learning in our activities and adapt them according to the children's interests and competences. Children are given positive and immediate feedback on their efforts and successes. In this way, the child develops a positive perception of himself as a learner.
We work daily in small groups. Activities in small groups make it possible to take the child's needs into account and support learning individually. We design learning situations and environments taking into account the individual needs of children, so that each child can participate in joint activities and experience the joy of learning in a peer group. We use image support and support signs in our operations.
It is important for us to meet families openly and respectfully, which lays the foundation for good cooperation. The pedagogy of young children emphasises cooperation with parents. Learning takes place through play, movement and artistic experiences, in interaction with adults and other children.
We follow the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan in our operations.
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