Books in Different Languages

Reading in your native language supports the development of your native language, learning the language and your reading skills. To support learning Finnish, you can find books in libraries that are easy to read and in plain Finnish for different age groups. Poetry novels are also suitable for many readers. Silent books, meaning books without text, are also suitable for multilingual groups. They offer a shared experience of the book for a group of children who speak different languages.  

Libraries have children and youth books in ten different languages. You can find the books in the OUTI web library. The library’s collection is supplemented with the Multilingual Library’s collection. The availability of these books can vary based on demand. Please let the library staff know if you are in need of more language options. 

The Northern eLibrary’s collection includes children and youth books in English, Swedish and Russian. E-books and e-audiobooks can be found on Overdrive and Ellibs. The PressReader newspaper and magazine reader offers reading in 60 different languages. The services can be used with your OUTI library card and PIN code.  

“The Library is your Friend” brochure in 14 different languages 

“The Library is your Friend” brochure teaches children about books, libraries and library cards in the child’s native language. The brochure has been translated into 14 different languages, including English, Arabic, Somali and Ukrainian. The brochures can be printed from the Multilingual Library website, and they are also available at the Oulu City Library’s service points. Ask about them from your local library. 

Video length: 1:18 min. Production by the Multilingual Library.

Reading Diplomas 

When reading Finnish books, your language skills develop and you learn more about books. Easy to read and plain language books have been compiled in the S2 Diploma and the Selkis Diploma. You can practice Finnish with these diplomas. Both diplomas include separate reading lists for primary and middle schools. 

The Oulu International School has a separate reading diploma, the OIS Reading Diploma.  

The Sámi language reading Diploma Lohkandiploma is a reading diploma compiled by the Special Library of Finnish Sámi. The Oulu City Library’s collection includes children and youth books in the Sámi language.  

Reading Challenges 

Reading challenges inspire people to read in all languages. A 300-minute reading challenge can be pursued in Swedish and English. The “Choose your own Reading” Challenge can be accomplished in any language. For people who do not read that much and children learning to read can try out the 100-minute reading challenge. Read more about reading challenges (in Finnish).  

Reading Tips in Different Languages 

Books in my Language! reading lists include reading tips in different languages. The lists especially include reading diploma books. The same reading diploma book and be read in multiple different languages. By clicking the picture, you will be directed to the OUTI web library. 

The national Multilingual Library has compiled tip lists in different languages. Contact your local library if you wish to acquire materials from the Multilingual Library.