Land Use Planning

Piirretty kaavakuva keskustasta

Planning enables the growth of the city, creates vitality and well-being. Master planning guides the urban structure of the city and matches different forms of land use together. Detailed planning shows the various land use reservations as well as the amount and dimensions of construction. When creating plans, we plan e.g., the location of residential areas, workplaces, services, green areas, and traffic.

Planning is an interactive process involving participants, planners, authorities and decision makers. Planning is often a matter of reconciling different needs, interests and even conflicts. The goal is to create a good living environment for everyone.

The Planning Review (Kaavoituskatsaus) describes the most significant planning projects that are underway and will soon start in Oulu. The Planning Review is updated annually. In the Planning in Oulu Guide (Kaavoitus Oulussa -opas), you can find summarised descriptions of the planning levels and the planning process.

Planning levels

Planning of land use is guided by the Land Use and Building Act and Decree, as well as national land use goals. Planning is divided into different plan levels; a more general plan guides more detailed planning.

The Regional Plan serves as a guide when planning municipalities' land use. The Council of Oulu Region is responsible for drawing up the plan.

The Master Plan indicates long-term land use:

  • residential and recreation areas
  • workplaces
  • services
  • location of traffic lanes

The Detailed Plan indicates the use of plots or larger areas:

  • intended land use
  • amount, form and location of construction
  • location and dimensioning of other functions
  • nomenclature (naming) and urban features