tel. 044 703 6641
tel. 044 703 6642
tel. 044 703 5475
tel. 044 703 6643
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Koskela daycare centre is located in Koskela, next to the school and library.
Tuulaakitie 3
90560 OULU
Oulu, Finland
tel. 044 703 6641
tel. 044 703 6642
tel. 044 703 5475
tel. 044 703 6643
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
This is a machine translation.
We organize preschool education in the Reimari group.
We cooperate with Koskela School in preschool and primary education. We get to know the school environment by visiting the school premises, participating in events such as the school environment. Christmas party rehearsals, as well as by attending classes on-site or via Teams. The school's special education teacher visits future pupils during the school year.
We follow the preschool curriculum of the City of Oulu.
This is a machine translation.
Koskela daycare centre is located at the intersection of good forest hiking spots, a park and a local library. Our house for four groups of children has an open atmosphere that cherishes cultural diversity. From our daycare centre, there is a learning path through preschool to Koskela school. Our focus is on a sustainable future lifestyle and "half a day in the yard" pedagogy. Our renovated yard supports the practice of motor skills and, for example, traffic rules in a versatile way.
This is a machine translation
Diverse, but together - towards a sustainable future
At our daycare centre, children and adults are encouraged to boldly try. You can experiment and you don't mind making mistakes! We support initiative and cherish diversity. In our pedagogy, we use music, drama and other forms of art, scientific experiments, exercise and play, as well as various tools, such as information and communication technology. We support the development of children's multiliteracy. The operating environment and operating methods are constantly modified together with the children to be versatile and meet our needs.
We follow the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan in our operations.
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