tel. 044 499 3114
tel. 050 567 3627
tel. 044 499 3192
tel. 050 340 3294
tel. 050 379 9620
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
The daycare centre is located near the centre of Kiiminki, in the same building as the Kiiminkijoki school.
Raatinharjuntie 11
Oulu, Finland
tel. 044 499 3114
tel. 050 567 3627
tel. 044 499 3192
tel. 050 340 3294
tel. 050 379 9620
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
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We organize preschool education in groups of Kalastajat and Melojat.
The implementation of the activities of the Kiiminkijoki preschool groups focuses on flexible small groups, which are the responsibility of the group's familiar and safe adults. Small group activities are peaceful and unhurried, which makes it possible to meet the child individually and hear their wishes. As the preschool year progresses, the child learns to work in larger groups and gets to know future schoolmates across group boundaries.
Pedagogical activities are based on the areas of preschool learning, which are implemented by combining different topics into different learning modules, listening to children's interests and wishes.
In Kiiminkijoki preschool, there is a lot of cooperation with the Kiiminkijoki school under the same roof. Each preschool group has its own friend class from the first grade. There are many different ways to do things with the group of friends, such as going on excursions and implementing steam projects.
Through cooperation, children get to know the adults and pupils of the school as well as the operating methods. In addition, the children will become familiar with the school facilities.
We follow the preschool curriculum of the City of Oulu.
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The Kiiminkijoki daycare centre is located on the banks of the Kiiminkijoki River, close to the city centre, forming a coherent whole with the Kiiminkijoki school. Our daycare centre offers children a good everyday life, where the central starting point for care, upbringing and teaching is taking into account the child's individuality.
Our professional staff maintains the high quality of education, taking into account the diverse interaction and participation with children, which promotes the child's development and learning. In preschool groups, the emphasis is on cooperation with the school, the aim of which is to make the transition between day care and preschool education as flexible as possible.
The surrounding areas of the daycare centre are part of our learning environment, which offer a great opportunity for learning in nature.
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The starting point of the activities is to treat the child respectfully, as themselves. We utilise strengths and support individual goals through positivity. We work flexibly in different small groups. We utilise local areas as a learning environment, with an emphasis on STEAM pedagogy and sustainable development. We engage in diverse cooperation with Kiiminkijoki School.
In our operations, we follow the national early childhood education plan and the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan.
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