tel. 044 703 5480
tel. 044 703 5482
tel. 044 703 5497
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Kangaspuisto daycare centre is located in the Tuira district.
Valtatie 35
90500 OULU
Oulu, Finland
tel. 044 703 5480
tel. 044 703 5482
tel. 044 703 5497
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
This is a machine translation.
Kangaspuisto daycare centre is located in the heart of multicultural Tuira with good transport connections. The location of the daycare centre enables diverse participation in the city's cultural and other events. The yard and the surrounding area enable good opportunities for outdoor activities and exercise.
Our operating environment is safe and supports the child's growth and development. The learning environment encourages children to play, explore, learn and enjoy the activities.
This is a machine translation
Our operations are based on an early childhood education plan. We work in small groups where we practice play and other skills without haste, taking into account development periods and individual needs.
We emphasise positive pedagogy as a starting point for group activities and interaction. Presence, image support and individual encounters support the development of emotional and language skills. We enable children to participate in the day's activities in a diverse way.
We want to create a warm and open atmosphere between both children and adults. Once a month, we invite parents for morning coffee, which gives them the opportunity to spend the morning with their child at the daycare centre and talk to other parents and daycare centre staff.
Sustainable development has been part of our everyday life for several years. We have reached a sustainable level in Green Flag activities. The aim is for children and adults to learn together to explore the environment, reduce the environmental load and act as influencers in their own community. Nature is part of our growing environment.
In our operations, we follow the national early childhood education plan and the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan.
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