Hintta Daycare Centre

Facade photo of the daycare centre

Hintta daycare centre

The daycare centre is located in the Hintta district, next to the Hintta school.


Valjastie 17
90650 OULU
Oulu, Finland


Director Eeva-Liisa Vilmi, eeva-liisa.vilmi@ouka.fi
044 7035 415
Deputy director Oona Vaitiniemi, oona.vaitiniemi@ouka.fi
040 1686 124
Special Education Teacher in Early Childhood Education Pia Blankenstein, pia.blankenstein@ouka.fi
040 8348 123

Postal address

Valjastie 17
90650 OULU
Oulu, Finland

Opening hours

Extended opening hours according to treatment time reservations made in the Neppari group Mon-Sun 5.00-22.30.


Preschool education

Our daycare centre

Mission statement