Kaikukortti Card
With Kaikukortti card, you can get free tickets to cultural events and sites like for example concerts, theatre or museums. You can also attend certain adult education centre courses with the card. Please note that Kaikukortti card is only accepted in the places listed below.
Kaikukortti card is meant for low-income individuals or families who have a customership in healthcare services that distribute the card or in some other service units.
The card is personal and free of charge.
Kaikukortti card becoming fixed in Oulu and distributing new cards
Kaikukortti card for year 2023 is applicable from the beginning of January in the same place as before. Being admitted a new card requires for the applicant's situation to remain the same and their customership in the distributive agency to still be valid. Delays in distributing cards can be expected in 2023 due to becoming the wellbeing service county renewal.
How Can I Get a Kaikukortti Card?
You can acquire a Kaikukortti card when
- you have a customership in a wellbeing service unit in Oulu that is part of the Kaikukortti network
- you are in a tough economic situation and, thus, cannot buy admission tickets or attend courses
- you are at least 16 years of age
Ask for Kaikukortti from the social or healthcare services that you have customership in. You do not need to provide a separate proof of your income in order to get the card.
A Kaikukortti holder can acquire free tickets also for their children (who are under 16 years old) or grandchildren visiting the event in the card holder's company.
Kaikukortti Card Sites 2023
Kaikukortti can only be used in the sites listed below. Please note that there are a limited number of places/tickets to sites and events. It is recommendable to acquire a ticket beforehand. Please note the museums' and sites' opening hours before visiting.
Changes to sites are possible.
Kaikukortti also grants you an access to other cities' and municipalities' Kaikukortti selection. View other cities and municipalities' selection on Kaikukortti website (in Finnish).
Museum and Science Centre
Kaikukortti grants you a free admission to the following sites of the Museum and Science Centre in Oulu: Oulu Art Museum, Turkansaari Outdoor Museum, Kierikki Stone Age Centre. Please note that Kaikukortti does not grant you an access to specific events, for example to Stone Age Market Days or specific concerts, in the aforementioned sites.
Cultural Centre Valve
For Cultural Centre Valve's own productions, you can acquire tickets with Kaikukortti from the Valve ticket office and from Oulu10 without a service charge. Tickets acquired via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
For visiting productions, please check the information on Kaikukortti tickets from the organizer's information or by-show from the Valve event calendar.
You can attend Valve Film School and Literary Arts School groups (groups for people over 16 years of age or child-parent groups) and art wellbeing groups with Kaikukortti card. There are limited places in the groups. Before enrolling in a group, you must contact the Valve office.
Contact information and course descriptions can be found on the enrollment website by clicking this link.
With Kaikukortti you can attend Oulu-opisto exercise courses organized in Kotkantie 1 gym hall (if there is available places on the courses). Enroll in exercise courses online, but do not pay the course charge and personally visit Oulu-opisto office to present your card before the charge due date. More information is provided by the Oulu-opisto customer service.
Oulu Sinfonia
Kaikukortti grants you a free access to the spring 2023 concerts. The tickets includes a hand programme and a cloakroom charge. Tickets must be collected beforehand at an Oulu10 service point. There are limited Kaikukortti tickets.
Oulun Vanha Musiikki
Kaikukortti tickets for concerts can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Oulunsalo Soi Chamber Music Festival
Kaikukortti tickets for concerts can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Oulu Music Festival
You can use Kaikukortti to access Cultural Centre Valve's concert and the concerts in Jazz & Etno series. There are limited tickets. Tickets to concerts can be acquired from the Valve ticket office and Ticketmaster office.
Cultural Association Paskakaupunni ry. (in Finnish)
No tickets to events are sold beforehand. You can access events with Kaikukortti by simply showing up at the event and presenting your card at the ticket office. The Hässäkkä-Päivät Festival organized by the association in July is an exception. We will inform separately in July as to how to use Kaikukortti at the festival.
Oulu All Star Big Band (in Finnish)
Kaikukortti tickets for concerts can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Irish Festival of Oulu
Check the Kaikukortti selection on the website.
Tickets can be acquired at Oulu10 service points and from Cultural Centre Valve ticket office. There are limited tickets.
Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival
Kaikukortti tickets for shows can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Oulu Theatre
You can access Oulu theatre's own shows with Kaikukortti. The card is not valid for visiting shows, musicals, operas or opening night shows. You can acquire a ticket a week in advance (if there are places left in the shows) from the Oulu Theatre ticket office. There are limited Kaikukortti tickets to each show. The ticket includes a place in self-service cloakroom and a hand programme. Welcome to your theatre!
The Student Theatre of Oulu
Kaikukortti tickets for shows can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Theatre Akseli Klonk (in Finnish)
Kaikukortti tickets for shows can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets. Tickets do not cover visiting performances or festivals.
Teatteri Sidos
There are limited tickets to shows. Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge.
Kaikukortti tickets for shows can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Teatterikuoppa/Oulu-opisto (in Finnish)
In Oulu-opisto, you can use Kaikukortti in Teatterikuoppa shows (if there are places left). Inquiries one hour before the show at the door of Teatterikuoppa. Prepare to present your Kaikukortti at the door.
Dance and circus
JoJo – Oulu Dance Centre
Kaikukortti tickets for shows can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Flow Circus
Kaikukortti tickets for shows can be acquired from the Valve ticket office or at Oulu10 without a service charge.
Tickets bought via Ticketmaster are subject to a service charge. There are limited tickets.
Card Distributors in Oulu
You can get Kaikukortti card from the following places
The City of Oulu units
If necessary, please contact kaikukortti@ouka.fi
Byström Youth Services
Youth Workshops
Cross-sectoral joint service promoting employment TYP
Employment services, rehabilitative work activities
Other operators:
Nuorten Ystävät, Klubitalo Pönkä
Vuolle Setlementti
Churches' welfare work: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oulu, Haukipudas, Karjasilta, Kiiminki, Oulunsalo and churches' special assistance