Työn Taitajat
Työn Taitajat is an action model for collaboration between businesses and educational institutions. It is developed in Oulu. The aim is to improve employment and ensuring competent workforce for businesses.
Työn Taitajat emphasizes the significance of continuous learning, supports young people in recognizing their strengths and skills and finding their own place in working life.
Bringing working life and businesses closer to future professionals
Työn Taitajat lowers the threshold to move into the working life, encourages individuals to inspect their skills and strengths in a broader scale and emphasizes the significance of each young person's competence in the diverse business field of Oulu region.
Työn Taitajat motivates the youth to retrieve information on multiple employers and to deepen their knowledge on familiar businesses and organizations. Information is also provided on job seeking and job interviews. The youth are told about different lines of businesses, professions and the actions behind the titles.
Coordinated working life collaboration
Työn Taitajat is a low threshold model of action for schools' working life collaboration. Schools can choose a suitable entity based on the time available. The entities are practical, participatory and informative. The team of Työn Taitajat is in charge of planning and executing events.
Työn Taitajat Oulu Video
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Working life lessons
A lesson-long dive into working life through a career story and functional methods. The lessons are planned in collaboration with the educational institutions and can focus on a certain theme regarding entrepreneurship or a specific line of business. Working life lessons are organized throughout the school year remotely or at BusinessAsema in Oulu.
Virtual working life lesson (platform Microsoft Teams) 45-75min
Working life lesson at BusinessAsema (45-120min)
Teaching staff events
Työn Taitajat <3 Teaching Staff
The morning events aimed for teaching staff (subject teachers and guidance councellors) offer, by theme, different tools, networks and inspiration to support youth guiding work. Events are held at BusinessAsema and can be participated remotely as well.
Together we build vital Oulu
Työn Taitajat enables businesses and other organizations to communicate directly to the future employees. The businesses are part of ensuring future competence, and thus demonstrate responsibility as well.
Making businesses known, raising awareness of different professions and branches and the effortlessness of the action model are strengths of Työn Taitajat. Career or business stories are executed in advance in form of preparing a presentation or an interview.
The activities are executed by the City of Oulu Education and Culture Services and Business Oulu together with a broad network of businesses and stakeholders. The physical meeting location for Työn Taitajat is BusinessAsema in the centre of Oulu.