Nuorten Putiikki Nuppu

Nuorten Putiikki Nuppu is a free pop-up sales place on Valkea Shopping Centre's Summer Street. Nuppu functions as the sales and testing place for products and business ideas developed by Oulu-based youth and school kids. The shop offers school groups a possibility to invent, prepare and sell products. The profits can be used, for example, for funding a field trip.
Nuppu can be utilized in for example:
- gaining experience in customer service and sales
- product development and making marketing research
- fundraising
The props for the sales point are already waiting for you at the location. All you need is an entrepreneurial attitude! Guiding adults will receive an extensive briefing before the sales day.
Teacher/tutor, book a sales shift for your group
Teachers and tutors can book a shift at Nuorten Putiikki Nuppu for their group. The duration of the shift is from 10-16. We hope that groups book the whole shift and divide responsibility to upkeep the shop between groups of 4-6 young people. If necessary, the duration of the sales shift can be reduced at the beginning or the end of the shift.
Nuppu is available for bookings for Mondays and Tuesdays in November 2023 and by the end of May 2024. Summer Street is booked for other operations for December 2023.
Book Nuppu free of charge and make Summer Street yours!
Inquiries and bookings: Vilma Nikkanen,