Early Childhood Education and Care Administration Contact Information

Early Childhood Education and Care Administration

Visiting address: Oulu 10, Torikatu 10, 90100 Oulu
Postal address: PL 17, 90015 Oulun kaupunki

Please contact the people below primarily by email. You can also leave a callback request.

Director of Early Childhood Education and Care

Pirjo Koret, tel. 044 703 5335, pirjo.koret@ouka.fi
Strategic management of early childhood education and preschool education

Administrative Secretary
Terhi Vestervelve, terhi.vestervelve@ouka.fi

Early Childhood Education Service Manager

Kirsi Ranki, p. 044 703 6989, kirsi.ranki@ouka.fi
Matters related to customer relationships

Elina Väisänen p. 040 354 5592, elina.vaisanen@ouka.fi
Pedagogical issues, development of preschool education and projects

Senior Specialist in Early Childhood Education

Sari Nyberg, p. 050 388 6901, sari.nyberg@ouka.fi
Expert matters and development of early childhood education

Area Managers

Northern Region: Marjut Kokko, tel. 050 340 9432, marjut.kokko@ouka.fi
Central Region: Leena Sankilampi tel. 050 341 3980, leena.sankilampi@ouka.fi
Southern Region: Harri Kauppinen tel. 050 341 4221, harri.kauppinen@ouka.fi
Eastern Region: Pasi Mäkikyrö tel. 040 010 0088, pasi.makikyro@ouka.fi

Early Childhood Education Guidance Team

Early Childhood Education Customer Payment Unit