Oulun kaupungin Lumo-valofestivaali mukana laajassa eurooppalaisessa kulttuurihankkeessa


Lumo-valofestivaali on mukana 18 eurooppalaisen kaupungin yhteisessä kulttuurihankkeessa ULYSSES: A European Odyssey. Hanke on saanut innoituksensa James Joycen Odysseus eli Ulysses -teoksesta. Creative Europe –ohjelmasta rahoitetun hankkeen turvin Lumo-valofestivaalille Ouluun voidaan vuodelle 2023 toteuttaa merkittävä teos.

James Joycen Odysseus –romaanin pohjalta käynnistynyt ULYSSES: A European Odyssey projekti saa lähtölaukauksensa 16. Kesäkuuta, Bloomsdayna. Joycen romaanin 18 kappaleen rakennetta mukaillen, myös ULYSSES: A European Odyssey –hankkeessa on 18 eurooppalaista kumppania ja hankkeen tapahtumat etenevät romaanin kronologiaa myötäillen – Oulun kaupungin ja Lumo-valofestivaali ovat tarinan 15. episodi ja tapahtuman teema tulee käsittelemään mielen hyvinvointia.

“Lumo-valofestivaalille on upea mahdollisuus päästä mukaan tähän laajaan eurooppalaiseen yhteistyöhankkeeseen. Sen lisäksi, että vuoden 2023 Lumossa päästään hankkeen turvin kokemaan jotain ennennäkemätöntä, meille on pitkällä tähtäimellä erittäin tärkeää päästä rakentamaan yhteistyötä laajassa kansainvälisessä yhteistyöverkostossa”, iloitsee Oulun kaupungin tapahtuma- ja markkinointipäällikkö Jarkko Halunen.

ULYSSES: A European Odyssey -hankkeessa mukana ovat Ateena, Budapest, Marseille, Trieste, Vilna, joissa hankkeen tapahtumat toteutetaan vuoden 2022 aikana. Vuonna 2023 seuraavat Pariisi, Berliini, Kööpenhamina, San Sebastian, Cluj, Istanbul, Zurich, Groningen, Eleusis ja Oulu. Lissabon, Dublin ja Derry-Londonderry päättävät hankkeen vuoden 2024 kesäkuuhun mennessä. 

Merkittävä rahoitus

Kaupunkitapahtumien lisäksi hanke mahdollistaa 30 taiteilijaresidenssivaihtoa ja tekstin tilaamisen 18 paikalliselta kirjailijalta, joiden tekstien pohjalta koostetaan uusi Europe-Ulysses –teos vuonna 2024. Hankkeella on merkittävä, hieman yli 1,7 miljoonan euron EU-rahoitus Creative Europe –ohjelmasta, josta Oulun kaupungin osuus on noin 90 000 euroa.

“Hankkeessa mukana ollessamme voimme myös harjoitella, miten Creative Europe –rahoituksella voi toimia. Kokemus auttaa meitä hyödyntämään Creative Europen kaltaisia hankerahoituksia enenevissä määrin tulevaisuudessa. Ehkä kulttuuripääkaupunkivuotta kohti mentäessä voisimme olla hakemassa vastaavaa rahoitusta myös itse”, Halunen pohtii.

Ulysses: A European Odyssey –hanke tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kahdelle oululaiselle taitelijalle residenssivaihtoon jossakin hankkeen kumppanikaupungissa. Taitelijahausta residenssivaihtoon ja valintaperusteet tullaan ilmoittamaan myöhemmin. Myös haku ja aikataulu oululaisen kirjailijan valinnasta Europe-Ulysses teokseen tullaan julkaisemaan myöhemmin.



Jarkko Halunen p. 044 7038274, jarkko.halunen(at)ouka.fi

Tapahtuma- ja markkinointipäällikkö

Ulysses Europe



The Onassis Stegi is an Athens’ cultural space hosting events and actions across the whole spectrum of the arts from theatre, dance, music, cinema and the visual arts to the written word, with an emphasis on contemporary cultural expression, on supporting Greek artists, on cultivating international collaborations and on educating audiences of all ages through life-long learning. In addition, on an annual basis, it plans and coordinates international tours and exchanges for Onassis Stegi’s productions and promotes inter awareness and interaction between science, innovation and the arts. www.onassis.org


The Department of Culture of the Municipal Administration, in charge of cultural policies, manages 16 Civic Museums of History and Art, 4 Civic Museums of Science, 3 Literary Museums.

The Joyce Museum in Trieste is a dynamic structure in continuous evolution that testifies the close relationship between Joyce and Trieste and the fundamental role that the Adriatic city has in fully understanding the life of the Irish writer and his works.

The Museum conserves material of all kinds concerning Joyce's period in Trieste and promotes knowledge of the writer and his relationship with our city. www.comune.trieste.it/


Vilnius Museum is a new venue for learning about the capital of Lithuania, dedicated to both the citizens and the city guests. The museum presents stories of the city that are unique and important, even if unknown so far.

The mission of the Museum is to nurture perceptive and knowledgeable residents of the city. Dynamic and constantly changing, like Vilnius itself, the Museum plans to put on two or three exhibitions each year, based on original studies of urban life. It invites visitors to take a closer look at the city, and discover something unexpected in its familiar spaces. www.vilniausmuziejus.lt

Xwhy / Agency of Understanding (UAB “Theoria”) is an advisory group focusing on clarity and meaning. From urban planning and policy making to leadership and product innovation – the team provides understanding of context and cultures that reveals sustainable solutions. Applying methods from human sciences – philosophy, anthropology, ethnography,

behavioral economics - is the way of working with private and public sectors. Company offers such services as data sense-making, stakeholder engagement, contextual consumer research, creative project writing, individual concept creation, real innovation development, sustainable strategy, creating cultures, connecting communities, workspace anthropology, creative placemaking, workshops and integral brand identity. www.xwhy.lt


The Budapest Brand Nonprofit Zrt. is Budapest’s official organisation for tourism, culture and marketing activities. Our team simultaneously develops the city’s brand and tourism strategy, and is responsible for creating content related to the city, along with organising cultural festivals. Its task is to connect the city’s communities, tell the stories that define Budapest, and offer a unique experience to residents and visitors alike. We showcase the opportunities offered by the city, foster communities and convey a liveable and lovable city image to Budapest-dwellers and visitors as well. www.enbudapestem.hu


Irish artists gethan&myles have lived and worked in Marseille since 2011. Their socially-engaged and collaborative practice is constructed in constant contact with the concrete experiences lived and shared by those around them. Their installations, films, sculptures, images and textual works vindicate the capacity of art to enrich our relationship with others and the world around us.

ildi ! eldi is a theatre collective which, since 2008, has been led by Sophie Cattani and Antoine Oppenheim. It is made up of actors, technicians, musicians and writers who work with new writing. Currently the collective works exclusively with writers and artists to create new pieces of theatre and performance. www.ildieldi.fr gethanandmyles.blogspot.com


Daniel Wetzel, founding member of Rimini Protokoll with Helgard Haug and Stefan Kaegi. Works in theater, radio play, film and installation with "experts of everyday life". (Further) development of art forms and new formats of documentary theater, such as productions of 100% City in more than 40 cities worldwide with 100 statistically representatively selected citizens each. Awarded numerous prizes including the European Theater Prize, the Silver Lion of the Venice Biennale, the Japan Media Arts Award, the Swiss Grand Prix National Theater Award. www.rimini-protokoll.de

Jean Peters, co-founder of the Peng Kollektiv. Interventionist artist and investigative journalist. Strategies for strengthening social and ecological justice. Reporter for the research center Correctiv Media. Former author for ZDF Magazin Royale and head of campaigns at Oxfam. Awarded the Aachen Peace Prize with Peng. http://pen.gg/

San Sebastian

Donostia Kultura is an organisation within the Municipality of Donostia that manages the cultural policy of the city. It has a staff of about 240 people and after a long trajectory of more than thirty years has achieved an outstanding social reach as shown by the fact that in a city of 187,000 inhabitants more than 112,000 citizens are members of the organisation. Donostia Kultura is responsible for various facilities, including 18 municipal libraries, 11 cultural centres, two municipal theatres and a museum. The International Jazz Festival, the Human Rights Festival, Antzerkia Feria, Literaktum and the Boat Races that are held at La Concha are some of the international events organised by Donostia Kultura. www.donostiakultura.com


Teater Grob is a new writing theatre based in Copenhagen. Our mission is to bring new writing and bold experiments created by diverse teams of local and international artists to our audiences. 

Located in the multicultural municipality of Nørrebro, we aim to produce artistic work that is relevant to local and global audiences alike. Through our performances, stage work, workshops, mentoring and support programmes for emerging artists, we support and promote values of diversity, inclusion and equality for the Danish performing arts scene and beyond. www.grob.dk


Yalan Dünya Films Ltd

Yalan Dünya Films Ltd, established in 2002, is an avant-garde contemporary art and film production company. Some of the contemporary art video installation works have been widely exhibited in prominent international museums and one of the work titled ‘ Küba’ received the ‘Carnegie Prize’. Yalan Dünya, produced many award winning feature films, some of which  were co-produced with EU countries, and documentaries in addition to a political satire series for Fox Turkey. Yalan Dünya Films acts as a hub for emerging artists and directors both national and international while giving service as a film curating body for European

Films , organizing  film screening days and events in under-privileged areas and cultural institutions. It also consults and supports grassroots film festivals in Turkey.

Gülen Güler, with the back round in Education and Sociology established “Yalan Dünya Films’ in 2002 after working in the area of education in various capacities for many years.

 She produced various contemporary art video installation works, which have been widely exhibited in prominent international museums and one of the works titled ‘ Küba’ received the ‘Carnegie Prize’.

She produced many award winning feature films and documentaries, some of which were co-produced with EU countries, in addition to a political satire series for TV channels.

Her company acts as a hub for emerging artists and directors both national and international while giving service as a film curating body for European

Films, organizing film screening days and film events in under-privileged areas and cultural institutions. She also consults and supports grassroots film festivals and cultural events in Turkey. https://tr.linkedin.com/in/gulen-guler-8841b6a


Create.Act.Enjoy (CAE), founded in 2013, has as main purpose the active contribution to the definition of independent culture in Romania, by carrying out cultural, educational and art therapy activities.

Connected to contemporary cultural trends, CAE generates activities such as: socio-cultural interventions, artistic interpretation, art therapy, creative workshops with vulnerable groups (children from rural areas, children with disabilities or from foster care), artistic creation (performance, happening, installation), film and video production - all with aims to promote young artists, develop the concept of well-being acquired through direct interaction with art, strengthen national and international relations in order to establish intercultural exchanges. www.createactenjoy.com

Cluj-Napoca "Lucian Blaga" National Theatre is a public cultural institution under the Ministry of Culture in Romania and is the most important cultural landmark of the city. The theatre was built between 1904-1906 by the renowned Austrian architects Helmer and Fellner (who designed and built 48 theatres throughout Europe) and is the home of the Romanian National Theatre since 1919. 

Our mission is to create theatre performances and to provide a framework for local and national theatre and performance art research, to increase the artistic and professional theatre environment and to improve the cultural development of the city and of wider communities. www.teatrulnationalcluj.ro


Noorderlicht is a platform for contemporary observation and an inclusive stage for artists from all around the world. Here they find their way to discuss with the public and search for the limits of their profession. Their work merges with that of the non-professional, who has access to social media channels with smartphones and tries to form his or her own image of the world. Our themes are universal and related to local and international issues.

We encourage insight and engagement with artistic social stories about what touches and moves people and adds to their development. Photographic viewing is our starting point, visual culture our field of work. http://www.noorderlicht.com


CHORUS is an NGO founded to bridge arts, education and social challenges. It was established in 2016 in Eleusis, Greece, by active citizens working in culture, arts and education. Our mission is to promote humanitarian principles and values, to trigger public debate and mobilise the public on important social issues and human rights, through contemporary artistic creation, education and cultural activities.

Eleusis is the largest industrial centre of Greece. The signs of industrialisation and environmental degradation are visible on the city's urban fabric. Within UEO, CHORUS will present an artistic project that foregrounds environmental and ecological challenges. https://chorus.org.gr


Lumo Light Festival is organised annually at the end of November by the City of Oulu. Based on light art and public lighting, the festival brings together multiple forms of art in an open city space in an easily accessible way for a large audience. Oulu is a city of strong contrasts – nightless nights of the midnight sun and sunless days in the heart of winter – holding 210.000 inhabitants in Northern Finland. Oulu has been selected as European Capital of Culture for 2026. www.ouka.fi


Arena Ensemble is a platform for the development of artistic projects that has been growing since its foundation in 2007, always revealing an awareness for risk and experimentation in the search for new theatrical and performative practices, anchored in the intersection of different artistic genres.

The work of Marco Martins, Arena's artistic director, increasingly emerges from the encounter with specific and peripheral communities with whom he develops long creative processes that challenge an economy of production and in which the lives and stories of their performers (non-actors) are the dramaturgical basis of the shows.

The name Arena means a space for combat, confrontation and action that resists specific techniques or predominant languages. The work developed implies the investment in a laboratory practice that mixes references and crosses theatre, dance, visual arts and performance through collaboration with several artists, fundamental in this dynamic. www.arenaensemble.com


The Museum of Literature Ireland (Irish: Músaem Litríochta na hÉireann), branded MoLI in homage to Molly Bloom, is a literary museum in Dublin, Ireland. Located on St Stephen’s Green in University College Dublin’s historic Newman House, MoLI opened to the public in September 2019. The product of a partnership between University College Dublin and the National Library of Ireland, MoLI is Ireland’s first literature museum and the first museum globally dedicated to the Irish literary tradition.

Originally conceived as a James Joyce Centre, MoLI was designed as a celebration of Ireland's literary greats from over the centuries, showcasing the country's written heritage in all its glory via immersive exhibitions with an international appeal and exploring how such a small island has produced so many of the world’s literary giants. MoLI is a cultural hub for Dublin – a place which inspires the next generation of writers.

It holds a permanent collection of James Joyce-related material, including his "Copy No. 1" of Ulysses, and revolving exhibitions on other Irish literary figures. With a range of audio and immersive displays, it has been nominated for and won a number of awards for design and architecture. https://moli.ie/

ARTS OVER BORDERS (founded in 2012 in the Irish border area) specialises in multi-arts festivals, events and public art that animate the high-profile literary heritage of this region.  The organisation commissions innovative site-specific productions and newly devised work with local communities and international artists in the border landscapes either side of the 500km Irish border.  Its annual festival platforms include the globally acclaimed Happy Days Enniskillen International Beckett Festival and the Lughnasa FrielFest & A Wilde Weekend which spring from the work of Irish dramatists Brian Friel and Oscar Wilde. www.artsoverborders.com

Brave New World Productions was founded in January 2019 by two former colleagues from Leeuwarden-Friesland European Cultural Capital 2018 - Claudia Woolgar (Artistic Director) and Jan van Erve (Commercial Director).

BNWP’s mission is to programme international projects with a strong ties to young and new artists in the region, and always in a unique location to reach as broad a public as possible. International connections within a local context. In 2019 BNWP presented Fuerza Bruta in a tent, with local artists in a steel factory next door creating a side programme inspired by this Argentinian company. In 2022 BNWP produced CARGO Shanghai - Friesland, working with Rimini Protokoll and a young team from the Friesland region.

Claudia is an experienced producer and has worked internationally in many countries including Romania, Russia, Ireland, the UK and France. She is the international programmer for Oulu, European Cultural Capital 2026, and sits on international funding panels.

Jan van Erve founded his company Van Erve | Sport & Commerce in 2012 and prior to that was commercial director from 2007 to 2012 at the football club SC Heerenveen. Through his pwn company, Van Erve | Sport & Commerce, his work includes advising companies in relation to sports sponsorship. www.bravenewworldproducties.com