Welcome Back! January'24 News


Dear all,

Happy New Year and welcome back to school! Here are the news in January.


Gr 1-4 Assessment Conferences in December - January  
Thu 11.1. 9:00-9:30 Welcome back to school assembly 
Wed 17.1. @ 17:00 Parents’ evening for gr 9 (Joint Application) 
Tue 23.1. @ 9:00 Whole school assembly: Erasmus project greetings by gr 9 
Wed 24.1.@ 17:00 Info evening for new applicants and their parents 

2) SCHOOL CLUBS start in January. More info from the Club Coordinators. 

3) WILMA. Parents are asked to make sure that we have your current home address and telephone number in our records. We must have this for cases of emergency. 

4) DRIVING AND PARKING REMINDER. Our drive gets congested in the mornings. Please turn to the right from our driveway during peak times. Note that there are no guest parking spaces at OIS. All parking spaces on our driveways belong to the teachers of OIS, Oulun lyseon lukio, Myllytulli and Tiernan koulu. If you want to drop off or collect your child, please drive all the way to the end of the OIS driveway. The teachers must be able to park their cars in their own spaces in the morning so they can make it to their lessons on time. Do not stop on the drive and do not park your car or wait for your child on the driveway. Children must not run among cars on the driveway. 

5) LOST & FOUND. Many bin bags of unnamed Lost & Found clothes were donated to charity at the end of last term. Parents please make sure your child’s clothes are named. 

6) SCHOOL DAYS IN THE SPRING TERM AND 2024-25. If you need to know dates in advance for your planning, please see https://www.ouka.fi/opiskelu-perusopetuksessa/koulujen-tyo-ja-loma-ajat 

7) YLÄKOULULAISET HUOMIO! Vanhempien Akatemia® järjestää maksuttoman ”Hengitä ja hellitä – palautumisen ja rentoutumisen ryhmä yläkoululaisille nuorille ja vanhemmille” Oulussa 15.1.–5.2.2024. Ryhmässä opetellaan kuuntelemaan omaa kehoa ja mieltä, hyväksyvästi ja sallivasti. Lisäksi harjoitellaan keinoja palautumiseen, stressinhallintaan ja rentoutumiseen. Lisätietoa https://nuortenystavat.fi/tapahtumat/hengita-ja-hellita-palautumisen-ja-rentoutumisen-ryhma-ylakoululaisille-nuorille-ja-vanhemmille/