February'24 News


Here are the news in February.



WEEK 6: Gr 8 Working Life Practice (TET)

WEEK 6: Media skills theme week

WEEK 8-9: Teacher trainees from the University’s ITE programme in classes 1-6

WEDNESDAY 7.2. @17:00 A2 Language info for gr 3 parents and students

THURSDAY 15.2. Gr 1-6: Students dismissed at 12:15 due to new students’ language testing day.

FRIDAY 16.2. Gr 7-9: One-day work campaign day (taksvärkki). More info separately.  

FRIDAY 23.2. @9:45-10:15 Opening ceremony of the STEAM space

MONDAY 26.2. 6AB in Yrityskylä Entrepreneurship village


FRI 1.3. Winter fun day

WEEK 10: Skiing holiday


2) SNACK BREAKS AND BREAKTIMES. It has come to light that the snack break is not serving its purpose most of the time, especially during winter months. 

The purpose of the snack break: 

  • To give students energy for the remainder of the afternoon. 

The purpose of the snack break is not: 

  • To nibble on one small snack or sip on a box of juice for the entirety of the break to avoid going outside. 

Benefits of being outside: 

  • Getting fresh air and moving around: helps to maintain focus and to sleep better.  
  • Having a chat or playing with friends serves as a counterbalance to studying inside and maintaining focus. 

For this reason, parents are asked to please provide a substantial snack for your child and pack it for them at home, for example fruit, nuts, sandwiches, vegetables/fruit with nut butter, smoothies, or other snacks/food from your culture that are not easily perishable to keep in the backpack. This way we can also celebrate the different food cultures we have here at OIS! 

By using the snack break for its correct purpose we promote the wellbeing of the students. 

3) ASSESSMENT AT OIS. For info about assessment, see https://www.ouka.fi/en/oulu-international-school/assessment

4)  USE OF WILMA. Please note the following:

  • Do not use the Google browser translator for translating Wilma, as the translations can be very misleading or confusing.
  • Use only Wilma's own language menu, or ask your child’s teacher for clarification.
  • Also note that some important city-wide notifications are posted on Wilma’s front page under “Tiedotteet” which cannot be seen with the mobile app. Therefore do check Wilma’s browser version every now and then.


Lesson marks

Ei merkintää – no record

Plussaa - Plus; positive mark

Kotitehtävät huolehdittu hyvin Homework done well

Olit hyvä kaveri (välitunnilla) You were a good mate (during break)

Kiitos - Thank you

Tsemppasit tänään - You did your best today

Otit toiset huomioon You considered others

Otit vastuuta opiskelustasi You took responsibility for your learning

Autoit toisia oppilaita You helped other students

Erityisen hyvää työskentelyä - Excellent work

Osasit keskustella asioista You were able to discuss

Työskentelit hienosti yhdessä toisten kanssa You worked well with others

Positiivinen muutos koulutyöskentelyssä Positive change in school work

Kotitehtävät tekemättä - Homework undone

Opiskeluvälineet puuttuvat - Equipment missing

Häiritsee työrauhaa - Disturbs class

On läsnä, mutta ei osallistu työhön oppitunnilla Is present but does not participate

Epäasiallinen käytös - Inappropriate behaviour

Muu merkintä Other reason

Kiusaaminen – Bullying

Tupakointi koulualueella ja/tai kouluaikana - Smoking in the school area and/or during school hours

Oppituntia häiritsevän esineen poisottaminen (lomake) - Confiscation of an object distracting lesson (form)

Lunttaus kokeessa Cheating in test

Luokasta poistaminen (lomake) – Dismissal from class

Läksyparkki Homework/test done after school

Muu syy – other reason

Absence marks

Kilpailumatka Tournament trip

Lomamatka Holiday trip

Myöhäst alle 15 min Late less than 15 min

Myöhäst yli 15 min Late over 15 min

Selvittämätön - Unclarified (requires a clarification from a guardian)

Terveyssyy Health reason

Koulutyöhön liittyvä poissaolo Absence related to schoolwork

Luvaton – Unauthorised

Muu hyväksytty poissaolo Other authorised absence

Iltapäivätoiminta sairaspoissaolo – Afternoon care, absence due to illness

Iltapäivätoiminta muu poissaolo - – Afternoon care, absence due to other reason