Learner Profile

IB programmes aim to develop internationally-minded people who, recognizing our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better, more peaceful world. We hope that families will be able to support their children as they, along with the teachers and administrators of the school, strive to be:

Inquirer/TutkijaI ask questions and I can find things out. I like to learn and discover new things about the world.
Knowledgeable/TiedonhaluinenI have learned many things which are important here and elsewhere in the world. I can use this information to solve problems in life.
Thinker/AjattelijaI am thoughtful. I try to solve problems and make good decisions. I do this by thinking about things and by learning from my mistakes.
Communicator/ViestijäI talk about my ideas. I am able to express myself in more than one language. I can also communicate using mathematical language, symbols and drawings.
Principled/PeriaatteellinenI always try to do what is right. I am fair and follow rules. I am honest with myself and with others.
Open Minded/AvoinI know my own culture and history. I know that people are different and may do different things. I know that not everyone will think like me and that's fine. I listen and try to understand others.
Caring/AvuliasI care for other people. I try to help others. I want people around me to be happy and I am sensitive to their needs.
Risk Taker/RiskinottajaI have the courage to try new things. I'm not afraid to give it a go even if I feel shy. I try to solve problems in a lot of ways. I can defend my beliefs.
Balanced/TasapainoinenI eat healthy food and I exercise. I like to learn about different things. I understand it is important to have a balance of work and play.
Reflective/ArviointikykyinenI think about what I have learned, what I am good at and what I can improve the next time. I take the time to think about my actions and their effects.