
OIS students are insured by IF insurance company during school times including P.E. lessons, educational visits etc. and during the trip between home and school. All injuries occurred during these times are reported reported to staff member who is present in the situation. Treatment for injuries which happen at school or on journeys between home and school is free of charge.

Our insurance does not cover accidents which happen during school days if the student is outside school premises without permission. Therefore, students and parents are expected to understand that leaving the school premises e.g. during breaks or lunchtime without notice is strictly forbidden.

It is the responsibility of the parents to seek treatment for injuries occurred after school hours (e.g. sports training). These injuries are usually covered by the sports associations' licences. The school´s insurance does not cover the expenses if the injury occurred outside school time.

Please see the detailed instructions on how to proceed in the case of an incident at school below. 

Insurance guidelines in case of accident