About MYP


The Middle Years Programme (MYP)

The MYP is specially designed for the unique needs of students aged 11 to 16 at a time when they need to develop good learning habits, self-confidence and a thorough understanding of their academic subjects. This student-centred educational approach aims to develop well rounded students who are confident in their own identities, make ethical decisions, consider international perspectives, are flexible and critical thinkers who can apply knowledge in complex unfamiliar situations and become active lifelong learners.


The Core of the MYP: Students and the Learner Profile

Students are the centre of an MYP education. Each student is unique with their own learning styles, strengths, values, experiences, knowledge and limitations.


The IB encourages students to become active, compassionate lifelong learners. The nature of an IB education is to be holistic. This means caring for the whole person: students' social, emotional and physical well-being – in addition to intellectual and academic development. The IB values and offers opportunities for students to become active and caring members of local, national and global communities


The learner profile is a set of attributes that the whole school community strives toward in order to learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them. The learner profile explains the IB's mission. It requires IB learners to strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. These attributes are needed to become internationally minded and they go beyond purely intellectual and academic subject matter.