National Celebration of the Elderly in Oulu

The National Week of the Elderly's celebration will be held during the City Hall's opening ceremony with the theme "Let's make everyday life into a party" Coat check is located by the first floor main entrance.


11.30 Doors open

12.00 Opening speech, Council for Elderly People's Spokesperson Marja-Leena Kärkkäinen
12.10 Male Choir Pohjan Laulu
12.30 Pekka Laukkanen tells stories: living in the City Hall in 1951-1975
13.00 Forgotten gentlefolk working in the Oulu Elderly Care
13.30 Interval, coffee service
13.50 Discussion panel: Wellbeing and status of elderly people in Oulu today and in the future
14.30 Express band
15.15 Closing remarks, Community Activity Director Pasi Laukka

Male Choir Pohjan Laulu

Pohjan Laulu

Male Choir Pohjan Laulu performs led by Choir Leader Mihkel Kolditsin in the banquet hall. The Choir will performs multiple different programs, all the way from traditional national romantic music to light and pop music. In the banquet hall, they will perform Valkeat kaupungit, Satumaa and Näärid Käes

Man with glasses looks at the camera

Pekka Laukkanen tells a story: living in the City Hall in 1951-1975

"The City Hall is my home. I have lived here since I was born, all the way until 1975, about 25 years. It has been a privilege and an honor. There were a lot of happy and intersting things in that time. The City Hall included almost all the city official facilities and the Oulu City Theater, city court etc. The city employees and theater actors knew us - the children of the City Hall."

Woman is smiling.

Forgotten gentlefolk working in the Oulu Elderly Care

Doctor of Educational Science, Organization Counselor Marja Irjala holds a presentation. Early 1800s were a difficult time in Oulu. There were no social security systems. Families, teachers and clergy who got rich working trade, industry and seafaring came to help. These forgotten benefactors and families became the basis of Oulu's association-based security systems. The investments for elderly people by the Ravander brothers cannot be forgotten.

A chandelier

Discussion panel

After the interval, the wellbeing and status of elderly people in Oulu today and in the future are discussed. The panel includes Bishop Samuel Salmi, Mayor Ari Alatossava, Wellbeing Development Manager Pirjo Nikula, Pohde's Division Manager Mervi Koski and the city's Wellbeing, Sport and Culture Council's spokesperson Susa Vikeväkorva.

picture of the band

Express band's perfomance

Express performs familiar music from the 1960s, such as the Beatles, Righteous Brothers, Rolling Stones, Procol Harum, Los Bravos, Tom Jones etc. Everyone will know these songs!