Life in the City Hall from the 1960s until the 2020s

During the opening ceremony week, a lecture will be held in the banquet hall on Friday October 11 at 16.00. Oulun kaupungintalon elämää 1960-luvulta lähtien – kasvu kartanpiirtäjästä insinööriksi kaupungintalon kuhinassa (Fin. Life in the City Hall from the 1960s – from a map maker into an engineer in the buzz of the City Hall). Oulu-Seura ry’s lecture will be held by Engineer Terttu Välikangas and Communications and Culture Specialist Tea Stolt de Glanville, FRSA. Free attendance at the lecture.  

Black and white picture of a woman

From a map maker to an engineer in the buzz of the City Hall

Engineer Terttu Välikangas worked as a map maker at the City Hall from the age of 18 until she was 30 years old. In the picture, Terttu is 23 years old. Terttu attended construction manager and engineering studies during her career. At the lecture, life at the Oulu City Hall will be discussed from the 1960s. The other lecturer will be Communications and Culture Specialist Tea Stolt de Glanville, FRSA.