City Stories

The Kaupunkitarinoita (Fin. City Stories) exhibition presents the artworks of the Oulu Art School’s 5–20-year-old students. The students of the Art School have explored the city and found different stories that inspired their artworks. The basis of the works have been, among other things, the students’ personal lives, present times, city history, constructed and natural environments as well as diverse people and characters.  

The City Stories exhibition is presented during the City Hall opening ceremony October 7–13 in the City Hall’s exhibition hall at 12.00–19.00. Free entry. Entrance is located on the Hallituskatu side of the City Hall.  

Blue print depicting a city

Kaupungilla (Fin. In the city)

The small city-themed prints were made with the linocut technique. The subjects of the pieces arise from urban environments, architecture and citizens. Essential matters regarding printing were considered, such as photographing surfaces, simplification and composition. The works and expression of Finnish graphic artists were also explored. 

Artwork pictured: Neela Kärenlampi 

Orange clay sculptures

Kaupungin tyypit (Fin. People of the City)

Ceramic statues depict diverse people of the city were made out of red clay using the coiling technique at school classes. Students familiarized themselves with new and old stories about Oulu’s citizens and created portraits of people one might meet on Oulu’s streets based on the stories and their imaginations. Clay work and ceramics is one of the Art School students’ favorite techniques to express presentative and non-presentative art.

Artwork pictured: Elsa Kahelin 

A miniature of the Oulu Market Hall

Kaupungin rakennuksia (Fin. Buildings of the City)

The Oulu Art School’s Visual Art for 12–13-year-olds explored architecture’s central concepts and created miniatures of existing buildings in Oulu or create brand-new buildings. 

Artwork pictured: Vilma Lammassaari